
(小烁发福利:120页的《亚洲经济前景及一体化进程(2022年度报告)》限时限量免费领取!领取方式见下文!) short-term visa or a long-term pass, as long as you complete the entire vaccination process, there are almost no mandatory restrictions on entry to Singapore. It is for this reason that more people are considering moving to Sinapore and coming to consult.


Industry, income, and age are not the only three conditions for applying the PR
Case one
2017年以来,国家外汇储备下降,市场结汇意愿减弱、售汇意愿加强,资本大量外流。在此背景下,国家发展改革委员会(以下简称“国家发改委”)、商务部、外汇管理局(以下简称“外管局”)、人民银行等相关部门对资金出境秉持“扩流入、控流出、降逆差”的监管态度,强调出境资金的真实性、合规性审查;同时对资金出境改为窗口指导,大额外汇需获得外管局同意,强化外汇管控。尽管如此,市场对资金出境仍十分饥渴。 engineering, five years in the new year, the sixth application

“个人资金出境”是指中国公民将资金转移到境外的行为。根据现有规定及实践情况,个人资金转移的合法路径主要有个人购汇、个人财产对外转移、境内卡境外提现、通过特殊目的公司(SPV)返程投资、QDII投资、内保外贷等六种路径。下文将分别介绍并就个人资金出境的相关风险进行提示。 meet the government’s fair consideration framework


个人购汇是指国家对境内个人购汇实行年度总额管理,允许个人每年度可兑换5万美元等值的外汇。在现行法律制度下,个人购汇主要用于经常项目和个别资本项目。因私旅游、境外留学、公务及商务出国、探亲、境外就医、货物贸易、购买非投资类保险以及咨询服务等属于经常项目。 less than 6 months

Case 2
within 10 months
资本项目下,个人对外投资只能通过特定的渠道,如QDII(详见下文)。不得利用经常项目从事资本项下的交易,如海外购房和投资。通过个人购汇的方式实现资金出境,优点是合法安全,缺点是可用额度较小,难以实现大额用汇的需求。 5 years 






There is no urgent need for Singapore to reduce quotas for permanent residence and citizenship application approvals



境外特殊目的公司返程投资根据《国家外汇管理局关于境内居民通过特殊目的公司境外投融资及返程投资外汇管理有关问题的通知》(汇发[2014]37号)(以下简称“37号文”),目前中国境内居民个人境外直接投资不予受理和批准,但可以利用其控制的境外特殊目的公司(Special Purpose Vehicle,简称“SPV”)开展投融资。在37号文项下,境内居民个人可通过SPV开展投资,基本规定如下: increase its semiconductor production capacity
 needs foreign talent with strong skills to drive industry development, and stimulate and drive economic recovery.

 welcome foreign immigrants 
合格境内机构投资者(Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor,简称“QDII”)即经中国证券监督管理委员会(以下简称“证监会”)批准在中国境内募集资金,运用所募集的部分或者全部资金以资产组合方式进行境外证券投资管理的境内基金管理公司和证券公司等机构。


Matters needing attention when applying for PR

Incorrect documents required to 

apply for PR



Apply for PR online, but the input of personal information is incomplete

The documents required to apply for 

PR are not up to standard


Give time to prepare and 

wait for deadlines

 wait at least half a year for a possible salary increase or promotion 

 at least a few weeks 内保外贷是跨境担保方式的一种,具体指担保人注册地在境内、债务人和债权人注册地均在境外的跨境担保。内保外贷下,担保人主要是银行或非银行金融机构和企业,但是境内个人也可以作为担保人,参照境内非银行金融机构办理内保外贷业务。在内保外贷的路径下,在担保人将现金直接存在境内分行(或提供其他担保物)后,境内分行向境外分行提供保函或者备用信用证,境外分行向借款人提供贷款,流程如下:

(2)内保外贷的资金仅用于正常经营范围内的相关支出,禁止虚构贸易背景或投机交易;未经外管局批准,不得将资金调回; under the age of 21



Elite Stage咨询机构拥有十余年投资经验,和专业的国际团队,丰富的行业经验和广泛的社会商业资源,为本地及海外客户提供一站式离岸投资服务,例如跨境架构、外汇备案、会计记账、税务申报、本地银行、商务中心、家族办公室等。如果您个人或企业相关的打算,欢迎联系我们!


 Student Pass Holders:●●Applicants must be students in Singapore schools, have lived in Singapore for at least two years, and have passed at least one Singapore national exam, such as PSLE, GCE N/O/A level, IP (Integrated Programme) courses, etc.
 within the last 3 months, with a width of 35mm and a height of 45mm;- Shot against a matte or semi-matte pure white background;

– 400 x 514 pixels;

– Full face photo without headgear, if the applicant is required to wear headgear according to custom, the headgear must not cover the facial features;

– The facial image from the top of the head to the chin must be between 25mm and 35mm;

– JPEG image format

2. ID card (if any)

3. Personal valid passport personal information and official remarks page

4. Birth certificate or household registration

5. Proof of name change (if any)

6. The highest degree of education (transcripts, qualification certificates, membership qualifications, etc. can also be provided)

7. Parents’ valid passport personal information and official remarks page

Application documents for EP and SP pass holders:●●Applicants need to work for at least 6 months.
1. Standard passport photo size2. Valid passport personal information and official remarks page3. Front and back of EP or SP Pass

4. Birth certificate or household registration

5. ID card (if any)

6. Proof of name change (if any)

7. The highest degree of education (transcripts, qualification certificates, membership qualifications, etc. can also be provided)

8. Reference letters from previous employers stating the nature, duration and base salary (if any) of the employment

9. Pay slips for the past six months

10. A letter from the current employer stating the date of employment, monthly salary for the past six months, including overtime and allowances, which can be prepared by HR. This letter should be issued within one month before the application

11. IRAS Consent Form, expressing consent for ICA to obtain and verify financial information related thereto

12. For self-employed persons, a valid business registration certificate showing the name of the partner is required

13. For self-employed persons, work-related occupational licenses (e.g. hawker license, business license, property agent license)

Married people also need these:1. Marriage certificate (notarial certificate)2. Death certificate or divorce certificate for previous marriage (if any)

3. Custody documents for children from previous marriages (if any)

4. Spouse’s highest education certificate (including college degree), transcript, vocational qualification certificate, etc.

If spouses are applying together:

1. Spouse’s a valid travel document and valid entry pass, passport (data page)

2. Spouse’s birth certificate

3. Rename file (if any)

4. Spouse’s ID card (if applicable)

5. Certificate of previous marriage and divorce of spouse and custody documents of children, or death certificate (if any)

If the children are applying together:

1. Child’s passport information page

2. The child’s birth certificate showing the names of the child and parents

3. Child adoption documents (if applicable)

4. Child name change certificate (if applicable)

1. The file size should not exceed 2MB;2. All documents must be in English, if Chinese documents, they need to be translated and notarized;3. Once the application is started, it must be completed within 7 days. Some documents need to be notarized or provided by the company, and the timing needs to be properly arranged.

For other application conditions, you can visit the website of the Immigration Bureau to check the information to be submitted.To be honest, it takes 6-8 months for the Singapore Immigration Department to review the applicant’s information.It must be evaluated very carefully, so when applying, it is necessary to avoid basic situations such as incomplete information, incorrect information, and non-compliance with regulations.

This requires the help of professionals/institutions to help you prepare a lot of supplementary materials to polish your application file!

If you are interested in Singapore immigration, we have prepared an electronic document “Work-life Experiences, Policies, and Challenges in Singapore” to let you know more about the various aspects of lives, including marital quality, job satisfaction, and challenges in Singapore.

Because of limited space, please add our consultant WeChat (Wechat ID: Elitestage) below, and we will send you the full version for free.



in Singapore


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