
The fifth session of the 13th National Committee of CPPCC 近日,人力资源社会保障部印发《关于降低或取消部分准入类职业资格考试工作年限要求有关事项的通知》。 new changes mentioned in the government work report?
根据国务院推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务的改革部署,为贯彻落实《政府工作报告》要求,进一步推动降低就业创业门槛,经国务院同意,降低或取消《国家职业资格目录(2021年版)》中13项准入类职业资格考试工作年限要求。 provide 2.5 trillion for tax rebate and reduction in 2022, 


 cutting taxes and fees 
No VAT payments for small taxpayers
 from 3% to 1%.◆ Monthly sales of 150,000 yuan or quarterly sales of 450,000 yuan below can enjoy the exemption of VAT.

More reduction on corporate income tax for micro-and-small enterprises
 one million to three million  less than 1 million yuan was 2.5 % reduced from 10 % to 5 %.

VAT credit refunds on a big scale

01 《部分准入类职业资格考试工作年限要求调整方案》自2022年起实施。

02 除调整考试工作年限要求外,13项准入类职业资格的其他考试报名条件不变。

03 各地区、各有关部门要积极推行考试报名证明事项告知承诺制,依托全国一体化政务服务平台、国家数据共享交换平台,通过政府部门内部核查等方式对报考人员填报的信息进行核验,压减报考人员需提交的书面材料,进一步优化考试报名服务,减轻专业技术人员负担。

04 考试工作年限要求调整后,专业技术人员取得的职业资格可继续按照有关规定与相应系列和层级的职称对应,并可作为申报高一级职称的条件。


Additional tax deductions for R&D costs
 75% to 100%.
Preference on individual income tax
We will improve the supporting measures for the three-child policy, make sure expenses for children under three part of the special additional deductions for individual income tax, and develop public-interest childcare services to ease the burden of raising a family.As soon as the new policy is introduced, we can enjoy education deduction of 1,000 yuan per month for each child not after his/ her three-year-old but from birth.


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