
1. 进一步加大对外贸易信贷支持
加大外贸外资企业支持。进出口银行上海分行将发挥出口卖方信贷、进口信贷作用,支持外贸企业开展货物进出口和服务进出口贸易,鼓励进口保障国民经济发展所需的商品、服务和技术。加大跨境电子商务、海外仓、外贸综合服务、新型离岸国际贸易和国际贸易分拨等领域企业金融支持力度,鼓励外贸新业态新模式发展。为境内外商投资项目提供金融支持,重点支持上海市重大外资项目落地。 stepped up relief measures for coronavirus-hit businesses, as the highly contagious Omicron variant has spread to 28 of the country’s 31 provincial jurisdictions and authorities stick to their zero-Covid strategy that involves large-scale lockdowns and mass testing.
2. 进一步加大对外经济合作信贷支持
2.5 trillion yuan tax-cut package at the “two sessions” in early March, and it is considerably larger than last year’s 1.1 trillion yuan.
below 150,000 yuan(二)加大企业对外承包工程支持。进出口银行上海分行将发挥对外承包工程贷款作用,为有助于“一带一路”发展,推动实现互联互通的基础设施建设项目,以及企业实施对外承包工程项目所需资金提供金融支持。 between 1 million and 3 million yuan1.5 trillion yuan worth of VAT refunds planned for this yearLocal governments will be encouraged to provide preferential power tariffs
3. 进一步加大小微企业普惠金融支持
reduce charges (一)加大民生领域小微企业支持。进出口银行上海分行将发挥“银担合作”贷款、小微企业银行转贷款作用,为获得市中小微企业政策性融资担保基金管理中心政策性融资担保的企业,以及与经济稳定和民生保障密切相关、受疫情影响较大的零售、餐饮、会展业等行业的小微企业,通过政银保合作、向商业银行让利并发放小微企业银行转贷款予以支持。(二)加大外贸领域小微企业支持。进出口银行上海分行将发挥小微企业银行转贷款作用,对受疫情影响较大的小微外贸企业,优先通过与商业银行风险共担方式,发放小微外贸企业风险共担政策性转贷款予以支持。进出口银行上海分行还将加强与供应链金融公司合作,通过发放应收账款类贷款,帮助外贸企业上游中小微企业及时获得融资服务。

4. 工作措施
supportive measures.
5. 工作推进机制
VAT will be exempt for public transport firms this year; property tax will be exempt for farm produce wholesalers; and its small and medium-sized manufacturers will be allowed to postpone their tax payments from the fourth quarter of 2021 and first quarter of this year. And Tianjin has pledged to fast-track loan approvals for small and self-employed businesses.上海市商务委员会