
就在最近半年,腾讯、米哈游和莉莉丝三家大厂相继推出了新的品牌,这些品牌的业务主体选址又不谋而合地选在了新加坡。加上入驻比较久IGG和游族网络等公司同样在当地有更多新动作,游戏公司在新加坡的业务规模已经有做大的趋势。 bolster Singapore’s gaming ecosystem


 vibrant core for games publishing and distribution in the region你或许不知道,《刺客信条》、《纷争之遗》、《猫咪斗恶龙》等耳熟能详的游戏,都是由新加坡团队主导或参与研发。新加坡辐射广大东南亚潜力市场,已吸引来自世界各地的游戏企业入驻,得天独厚的优势,让全球游戏“头号玩家”如虎添翼! a synergistic business environment 

01 背靠高速增长的亚太、东南亚游戏市场

 the creation of games for mass market consumers. Together, they have launched the Casual Connect conferences in Asia, which accounts for the lion’s share of the global gaming industry with 48.4% of market share 
新加坡位于亚太及东南亚的核心区位,该地区游戏市场的快速增长预示着其未来在世界游戏领域必然是不可替代的“超级玩家”。Newzoo《2020全球游戏市场报告》预测,2020年亚太地区的游戏收入将达到784亿美元,占全球游戏市场收入的49%,同比增长9.3% 。

其中,东南亚地区游戏市场的扩张速度更令人惊叹。据Newzoo调查,东南亚是全球增速最快的移动游戏市场,仅仅在2019年,这片市场就创造了超过43亿美元的游戏收入,年同比增长13.9%。而这一惊人增长的来源正是该地区不断攀升的智能手机用户数量,以及随之迅速增长的在线用户数量。 6,500 professionals from the games industry annually by paving the way for these high-profile international games conferences and exhibitions in Singapore. This has solidified the nation’s stature as a regional hub for gaming.

02 高竞争力的游戏人才

atches them with investors, venture capitalists and angels provides grants to gaming companies to develop ideas into game design under the Development Assistance and Production Assistance initiatives. When these gaming companies acquire the intellectual property (IP) rights for their game designs, they can also qualify for the Productivity & Innovation Credit (PIC) that is issued by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). The PIC allows gaming businesses to enjoy 400% tax deduction60% cash payout and a dollar-for-dollar matching cash bonus

新加坡本地高校也积极与游戏开发企业合作,培养游戏行业的精深人才。新加坡南洋理工学院与万代南梦宫合作设立了一个三个月的实习项目,帮助优秀学生全方面提高技能;双方更于2019年签署合作备忘录,继续合力探索其他实习及培训项目。 over 60 gaming companies 

除此之外,2019年10月,新加坡国立大学与腾讯游戏学院正式达成战略合作,双方承诺在科研及产业研究、课程建设、赛事活动、校企交流、实习等多个领域深度合作。腾讯游戏学院将游戏相关内容与新加坡国立大学现有课程结合,来自腾讯游戏的一线专家将担任讲师、顾问和客座教授,为新加坡国立大学的学生提供游戏专业知识和经验分享,共同推动游戏学科建设,培养专业人才。 a value add of S$504 million to the economy and rake in a revenue of S$587 million in 2012, according to the Deloitte Interactive Digital Media Survey 2013.

除游戏开发外,新加坡也紧握潮流,颇具前瞻性地开展了对电竞人才的培养。随着新加坡本地游戏和电竞行业持续增长,2020年8月,新加坡游戏协会(Singapore Games Association,简称SGGA)正式成立。该协会将不断扩大工作范围以支持更广泛的游戏和电竞行业,比如携手学界和产业界在人才培训与招募方面进行合作。 top of the Government’s support, it also has a world class talent base, excellent IT infrastructure, and a protective regime of IP rights”, said Mr. James Nuben, Head of Taxation at AsiaBiz Services.

此外,协会也即将推出会员计划,提供与新加坡本地和跨国游戏电竞组织协会、企业等资源联动的机会。不仅如此,SGGA也同时推出了“新加坡电子竞技(Singapore Esports)”,旨在把新加坡打造为东南亚的电竞中心。 a world class talent pool for the gaming industry by nurturing and upgrading the homegrown talent base, and welcoming international talent.Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower recognizes the gaming industry as a key economic sector 

03 一流的数码基础设置

 set up specialty schools for gaming 亚洲排名第一,预计2022年,5G往来至少覆盖一半地区。顶级海底电缆枢纽,拥有世界最快的宽带速度与最低的网络延迟,大量“云”服务器为游戏开发提供可靠生态系统。

04 全球最佳的经商环境

 17 percent – is one of the lowest in the world十多年来,新加坡被世界银行评为全球最佳经商地,全球500强企业大批入驻。新加坡秉持“亲商原则”,更致力于帮助中小企业成长发展,近年来为互联网企业推出一系列优惠政策和扶持计划。
There are three common company types in Singapore, including Limited Liability Company, Partnership, and Sole Proprietorship.
In this section, let’s tap into the specific features of each type.

05 出色的知识产权保护

新加坡拥有健全和公正的司法系统,据世界经济论坛2019年全球竞争力报告,新加坡知识产权保护排名亚洲第一,全球第二。2020年4月出台“新加坡专利快速通道SG IP FAST”是世界上同类专利申请流程中最快,将所有技术领域专利申请授权缩短至6个月。Private sector

06 优秀的合作生态系统

Public sector世界著名游戏引擎公司Unity将区域总部设在新加坡,Google将其亚太总部设在新加坡,Facebook在新加坡简历亚洲数据中心。大量优秀的游戏、互联网行业开发团队在新加坡聚集。
Limited liabilitySeparate legal status近年来,越来越多的中国公司也选择向大厂看齐,在新加坡投资注册,那么关于新加坡公司工商注册和税务,你了解多少呢?01 常见注册公司类型

Besides, you’ll be eligible for a wide range of exemptions and reliefs from the government.

This can reduce your tax burden significantly.

02 新加坡税务








针对新加坡企业的免税计划: at least 1 partner




Legal status  


Tax rates  
Sole Partnership
You can register a sole proprietorship easily. But managing and maintaining it can be quite challenging.A sole proprietorship is also known as a ‘one-man show’. This means you control the business on your own and take full responsibility for the company’s losses and liabilities.
2. Taxation

而非居民个人不适用税务减免。非居民个人的受雇所得适用15%税率和居民个人所得税税率两者间较高者。董事费、咨询费和其他所得,适用20%的税率。 between 0%-22%. For non-residents, you’ll pay a flat rate of 15%-22%Businesses in Singapore benefit from Singapore corporate tax rebates, which differs for Years of Assessment (YAs). For YA 2018, this rate is 40% of corporate tax payable (capped at S$15,000) and for YA2019 it is at 20% of corporate tax payable (capped at S$10,000).In addition to the low corporate tax rates, there are schemes and grants offered by the Singapore government that can help reduce your Singapore corporate tax rates even further.


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