Once a company is set up in China, it is necessary to maintain proper records in line with Chinese accounting laws and principles. Periodic reporting of accounting statement and tax reporting to authorities are required.
The changeable Asian regulatory policies requires the experience and expertise of excellent accounting team to cope with.With decades of experience in the field, Elite Stage global accounting team understand the complexities involved in accounting practices and global tax planning.
Elite Stage has established a strategic cooperation with 17Win Company invested by ServyouGroup, put into use of a digital financial and taxation software system based on big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and launched online functions to provide the intelligent accounting management and tax guardian service conducts all-tax risk detection.
- サービス
- 中国の会計基準
- オンラインSaas会計システム
高度な英語力の独立した税務および会計チームを維持することは、特に中小企業にとって、費用のかかる選択肢です。 したがって、多くの企業はそれを経験豊富な会計事務所に外注することを選択しています。
- WFOE、JV、または営業所の初期会計システムと方法論の設定
- 毎月の会計帳簿の作成と中国の会計基準
- 月次-年次決算の準備の税務申告、中国の税務当局
- 準備の出願、事業税、個人所得税-法人税
- 監査役が年度監査の財務諸表
- 請求書発行のお客様への応用のための税の払い戻し
The Chinese accounting system shall follow the framework of Chinese Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), also known as Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS). These standards have evolved over time and are now quite in line with the globally recognized International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) of the United States. There are still differences that will impose challenges.