2021 年 3 月 1 日,新的《深圳经济特区商事登记管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)生效。 原规则于 2012 年制定,最近修订并于 2020 年 10 月 29 日发布。
现在,与 第十四个五年计划 今年早些时候发布的计划 (“GBA”) 建立一个 世界级创新中心 城市群,深圳有望发挥“核心角色”。 预计这座城市将创造一个 更优惠 商业环境和在此背景下,深圳更新的商业登记规则值得仔细审查。 根据 规则第二条, commercial registration refers to the activities of the commercial registration authority to register, put on record, and make public the matters concerning the establishment, alteration, and deregistration of commercial entities, within the territory of Shenzhen.Under the context of the Rules, the “commercial entities” refer to any corporation, partnership, limited partnership, proprietorship, sole proprietorship, company, or individual that performs a commercial activity in its own name to enjoy the rights and obligations in the market, while the “commercial registration authority” normally refers to the Shenzhen Administration of Market Regulation (the Shenzhen AMR). In plain words, the Rules tell people doing business in Shenzhen what formalities they need to follow and what to prepare if they want to legally participate in the market operation.Moreover, the Rules make it clear that what kind of matters come under the purview of the registration administration and filling administration, respectively.The following matters of a commercial entity shall be registered:- 名字
- 住所或营业场所;
- 类型;
- 主要的;
- 投资标的及其认缴的出资额。
- 公司章程或协议;
- 业务范围;
- 董事、监事、高级管理人员;
- 商事登记管理联络员
The 2020 Rules have simplified the documentation requirements in company establishment registration.It no longer requires the applicants to submit “Notice of Name Pre-Approval”, “Information Materials of Domicile or Business Site” and “Documents of Appointment of the Responsible Persons, Senior Managers, and other relevant members”. 相反,申请人只能在在线提交申请时提供此信息。 今年3月中旬,我们的专业服务团队在协助一位希望在深圳设立新外商独资企业的客户时,体验到了这种便利带来的好处。 The 2020 Rules provide a green channel for Hong Kong and Macao investors to directly enter the Shenzhen market, for the first time.It specifically allows Hong Kong and Macau investors to 直接完成注册手续 (银行开户、税务、海关、外汇账户、审批等)在深圳从事生产经营活动,只要其活动不属于负面清单(特别管理办法) 外商投资准入)。 此类投资者可通过以下方式获得营业执照 他们现有的名字 用于香港或澳门而无需在深圳设立新的商业实体。 2020 年规则中的 14 条。 这将为建立和运行新的商业实体节省大量时间和成本。 According to the PRC Company Law, if a commercial entity fails to operate for more than six months, its business licenses might be revoked by the AMR. In reality, the situation is not that extreme and strict, yet entities that do not engage in any business activities for a long time may face being recorded in the list of abnormal operators by AMR, with the worst-case scenario being that their business license gets revoked.Besides the Company Law provisions, commercial entities that temporarily encounter a difficult time, show no profit but have the potential and capacity to resume someday, would still have to wind up their operations or pay daily running costs. 现在,根据 2020 年规则,深圳采取“停业”选项,允许暂时困难的商业实体在可能的情况下进入休眠状态,并根据第 2 条恢复正常运营。 2020 年规则的第 25 条。 In the past, no matter whether the branch is registered in the same city or not, it must apply for a separate business license for its branches before operating.Now, according to Art. 15 of the 2020 Rules, if a Shenzhen-incorporated commercial entity establishes additional branches, such commercial entity may merely add the information of the branch(es) into its current business license, rather than apply for a separate business license. This makes the compliance process much simpler. Early in December 2010, Shenzhen piloted a virtual address service system in the Qianhai Free Trade Zone (FTZ). Commercial entities registered in Qianhai could enjoy the virtual address service provided by the Qianhai Business Secretary Company.But, in practice, commercial entities using Qianhai virtual addresses still have had to show another “actual address” for various reasons – mainly for better supervision by the AMR regarding the commercial entity’s compliance.艺术。 2020年规则第16条将服务适用范围由前海自贸试验区扩大至深圳全区。 同时,虚拟地址服务也从前海商务秘书公司扩展到符合条件的商务秘书企业、会计师事务所、律师事务所或其他有住所托管的实体。 虚拟地址服务可以提供给从事电子商务、咨询、策划等不需要固定住所或营业场所经营的商业活动的商业主体。 In conclusion, the 2020 Rules will further enhance Shenzhen’s unique role in the GBA, making Shenzhen more attractive to foreign investors.The Rules indicate some positive trends in the improvement of the business environment.尽管如此,建议外国投资者等待配套措施的发布,并密切关注该规则在深圳的实施情况。