All these factors slow down the growth rate and increase China’s economic downward pressure. 如果您对新加坡移民感兴趣的话,我们准备了一份《新加坡移民动向——人口白皮书你真的看懂了人吗?》电子文档,让您更加了解新加坡移民的详细方式和相关事项。因为篇幅有限,如您有需要请添加下方我们顾问微信,免费给您发送完整版哦。 voiced optimistic views, indicating the long-term positive fundamentals of China’s economy have not changed and has the capacity to overcome difficulties and achieve sustainable growth.Meanwhile, the focus of China’s economic policymaking has changed in recent years, from the pursuit of high-speed growth to high-quality development. The key drivers of such economic growth include capacity-building in the high-tech manufacturing industry, which witnessed favorable outcomes amid challenges in the first quarter.China’s green transformation is also steadily advancing. Low-carbon products are growing faster. In Q1 2022, the production of new energy vehicles and solar cells increased by 140.8 percent and 24.3 percent, respectively. Clean energy consumption continues to rise.
to sustain this consumption growth.

Tax cuts and increased support for real economy that offer enterprises relief during economic distress and stabilize jobs.
Development trend of entrepreneurship and innovation sectors featuring the high-tech manufacturing industry, namely information transmission, software, and IT services.
Online retail sales on the back of attractive cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones.
Health and pharmacy industries to likely see more growth amid the COVID outbreaks.