PR申请仍在放宽阶段: 抓住机会一键告别身份焦虑


申请到EP和SP的那一刻,PR便是下一个终极目标 ! remain optimistic 

China’s economic data from Q1 2022

1、享受政府医疗补贴和优惠 expanded 4.8 percent 

如果仅在新加坡工作不拿PR,既享受不到国内的公积金,也没办法在新加坡养老。而成为新加坡PR后,可享有各种政府医疗补贴和优惠,类似于国内的医保卡,可以通过公积金的医疗储蓄户头,来支付公立或私立医院的部分住院和手术费用,在医疗费用高昂的新加坡必不可少。 better-than-expected performance and surpassing the four percent recorded in Q4 2021, as per data from the NBS.Despite challenges from fresh COVID-19 outbreaks and geopolitical uncertainties, China’s economy continues to recover. In Q1, the value added of industry above the scale grew by 6.5 percent year-on-year (y-o-y), picking up from the fourth quarter of the previous year and maintaining fast growth. The high-tech manufacturing industry grew by 14.2 percent y-o-y, significantly higher than other industrial sectors.
2、住房问题也可以搞定 69.4 percent

在新加坡,只有成为PR后才有资格购买新加坡价格低廉的福利性住房。如果没有PR,就只能考虑价格高昂的私人公寓(Condo),而且还需要缴纳额外30% 的印花税。 increased 8.1 percent y-o-y.
2、住房问题也可以搞定 increased 6.7 percent 

在新加坡,只有成为PR后才有资格购买新加坡价格低廉的福利性住房。如果没有PR,就只能考虑价格高昂的私人公寓(Condo),而且还需要缴纳额外30% 的印花税。 increased only 1.4 percent 

3、与家人团聚更容易 fell 3.5 percent 

成为PR后,就可以帮亲戚朋友申请签证,包括Short Term Visit Pass和Long Term Visit Pass;也可以为配偶、21岁以下未婚子女申请永久居留权。 down from 6.8 percent y-o-y growth in January-February. The Chinese job market has shown slight signs of stress with the unemployment rate at 5.5 percent and more than 10.7 million university graduates entering the labor force.On the financial side, annual tax cuts and fees is reaching RMB 2.5 trillion
除此之外,当然还有更多优质的教育机会和工作机会可以选择。 RMB 530 billion 



 RMB 379.87 billion 
新加坡统计局最新数据显示,2021年新加坡的新永久居民获批人数,创下了自2010年12年来的最高数量。政府表示,永久居民新增数量的上升,和旅游限制措施放宽和安全管理措施放宽有关系。 increased 25.6 percent 
那么,对于EP或者SP该如何申请PR呢? 10,000 new foreign-invested enterprises 


当然,以上这些硬性标准往往不足以使你成功获批。移民局的标准到底是什么?我们可以从几方面揣摩。 52.9 percent increase 

 35.7 percent increase in high-tech manufacturing, and 57.8 percent increase in high-tech services. The service industry also increased to RMB 278.52 billion, up 17.1 percent y-o-y in Q1.In terms of regional distribution, the actual use of foreign investment in the eastern, central, and western regions of China increased by 23.4 percent60.7 percent超辻 21.9 percent y-o-y, respectively.China’s emphasis on innovation-driven development and its accelerated efforts to establish a unified domestic market have been driving FDI growth, especially in high-tech and the services sectors. MOFCOM also foresees increase of investment in alternative fuel vehicle manufacturing, with the country’s accelerated efforts to pursue innovation-driven development and a greener growth pathway.

Enabling environment for robust investment

Shortened negative list for market access

Establishing a unified domestic market
“新公民要不与新加坡人有家庭关系,或是在这里学习、工作或生活了一段时间。公民和永久居民的申请及遴选标准则主要根据他们是否承诺把新加坡当作家园,以及能否融入和对新加坡做出贡献。” high-level connectivity of market facilities by upgrading the circulation network, smoothing information exchange, and optimizing trading platforms to improve efficiency.Further standardization of the internal market also benefits foreign investors reciprocally. Free from misalignment of institutional arrangements and human factors, barriers to market entry and exit will be lessened. Domestic and international markets will be better connected, with regulations and standards more compatible and China’s dual circulation development paradigm enhanced.

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
EP跟EP比,SP跟SP比,把经历、薪资、准证类型一致的申请者相互比较。并非SP、或者学历较低者完全没有机会,上述申请成功的例子里头,就有大专学历的申请者。 RMB 6.7 billion 

结合总理和部长说过的话,移民局也会综合看申请人的各项条件,单一条件优秀不一定就能申请成功。 RMB 130 million   RMB 37.1 billion 

那应该怎么做呢?最好就是多提交一些额外的附加资料,比如义工的经历、有分量的推荐信等...... RMB 250 million.
What to watch going forward: Challenges and opportunities
The state of global affairs 新加坡移民厅一般要花6-8个月来审核申请人的资料,如果能有专业人士或者机构的协助,避免一些错误,可大大提高申请成功率。 extended lockdown in the commercial hub, Shanghai, has prompted fears of rising recessionary risks and stress to enterprises in terms of production and operations. How to balance economic development and effective control of the virus remains the critical question for the Chinese government.In addition, the conflict Elite Stage咨询机构拥有十余年投资经验,和专业的国际团队,丰富的行业经验和广泛的社会商业资源,为本地及海外客户提供一站式落户新加坡服务,例如注册新加坡公司、会计记账、税务申报、本地银行、商务中心、家族办公室等。如果您的企业有出海新加坡的打算,欢迎联系我们,我们将为您对接我们广泛的资源,助力您落户新加坡!

All these factors slow down the growth rate and increase China’s economic downward pressure. 如果您对新加坡移民感兴趣的话,我们准备了一份《新加坡移民动向——人口白皮书你真的看懂了人吗?》电子文档,让您更加了解新加坡移民的详细方式和相关事项。因为篇幅有限,如您有需要请添加下方我们顾问微信,免费给您发送完整版哦。 voiced optimistic views, indicating the long-term positive fundamentals of China’s economy have not changed and has the capacity to overcome difficulties and achieve sustainable growth.Meanwhile, the focus of China’s economic policymaking has changed in recent years, from the pursuit of high-speed growth to high-quality development. The key drivers of such economic growth include capacity-building in the high-tech manufacturing industry, which witnessed favorable outcomes amid challenges in the first quarter.China’s green transformation is also steadily advancing. Low-carbon products are growing faster. In Q1 2022, the production of new energy vehicles and solar cells increased by 140.8 percent and 24.3 percent, respectively. Clean energy consumption continues to rise.

 to sustain this consumption growth.

Tax cuts and increased support for real economy that offer enterprises relief during economic distress and stabilize jobs.

Development trend of entrepreneurship and innovation sectors featuring the high-tech manufacturing industry, namely information transmission, software, and IT services.

Online retail sales on the back of attractive cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones.

Health and pharmacy industries to likely see more growth amid the COVID outbreaks.


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